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Masterclass Communication 1 or 3 July 2024

Have you always wanted to communicate like a true professional? Then come to Frank Van Oss' Masterclass on communication 1 or 3 July in Brussels. (You can choose your day)

The day will consist of two parts: In the morning, you will learn everything you need to know about giving a good presentation or speech. PowerPoint presentations will also be thoroughly checked and finetuned if necessary.

In the afternoon, we will practise getting through a critical interview, with all the tips and tricks you need. You will learn why you need to start from reality and how to analyse a given situation. You will also learn how not to answer a question.

You will get strong insights and simple recipes that everyone can apply: the eighty-per-cent-rule, the four ways to prove something, the killing example, ... But also: why the captive audience does not exist and how to do something about it. And what the real importance of body language is....

His long experience of more than 40 years makes Frank Van Oss an experienced coach to train and guide participants. We always work with the camera to make the situation as authentic as possible. Participants will receive the video footage afterwards. Frank always starts from the content: what makes what you have to say unique?


09.30 Reception with coffee

Introduction to the programme

10:00 Theory of speech/presentation: the dos and don’ts

10.30 Technique against stress

10.45 Filmed exercise: giving a mini speech, prepared on the spot

11:15 Filmed exercise: giving a presentation

11.45 Evaluation of the slides

12.15 Evaluation and feedback

12.45 Sandwich lunch

13.15 Filmed exercise: presentation of the organisation you work for

13.45 Repetition of the first exercise based on feedback.

14.15 Theory of the interview: the dos and don’ts

14.30 Filmed exercise: the critical interview

15.30 Filmed exercise: the critical interview based on the feedback.
16.00 Evaluation

16:30 End



Cost for one day: 650 euros excluding VAT. This includes the Masterclass, handouts of the presentations, receiving the personal video footage via email, coffee and sandwich meal

Inscription: send me a mail at or call me on +32 492 046 777 or use the form on the website


Location: Clos du Cheval D’Argent 22, 1050 Brussels (close to VUB and ULB)

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